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Glenn Cezanne

  • Founder & CEO – Time&Place Group
  • Founder & Managing Director – Time&Place Consulting
  • Co-Founder and Strategic Adviser – Time&Place Funding
  • Founder – Time&Place Institute
  • Founder – Time&Place Marketing
  • Founder – Time&Place Media Productions
Glenn Cezanne Picture

With a career focused on Public Affairs, Public Relations and Association Management on the international stage, Glenn focuses on manoeuvering the political decision-making landscape with the aim of creating effective communication strategies, whether it is to have an impact on legislation, primarily in Europe and in Brazil, or to increase political attention on specific issues of interest to clients. His life as an entrepreneur started with Time&Place Consulting in 2016 and continued with the development of branches under the Time&Place Group of which he is Founder & CEO.

Interest Representation

Glenn first began his career in Brussels at the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU before becoming Account Executive at Hume Brophy (now Penta). Thereafter, he became representative in the Brussels office of the Lottomatica Group (now IGT) – globally the largest provider of state/national lottery services and gaming technology solutions – where he was responsible for raising the company’s profile and establishing it as a key source of information for EU and national policy- and law-makers. Until recently, he ran the German Airports Association (ADV) Brussels office and is currently Head of Public Affairs EU for CharIN e.V., the global cross-industry association facilitating the roll-out of e-mobility based on technological solutions.

“Cooperating on Public Affairs with Glenn Cezanne bilaterally and on association platforms has been a seed for innovative ideas and effective implementation.”

Hannu KareinenVice-President, Community Relations Veikkaus Oy

Association Management

His last position before building Time&Place Consulting, was Executive Director for the European Casino Association which represents both state- and private-owned casinos. There he was responsible for establishing and sustaining the voice of the European casino industry on the wider international stage, as well as guaranteeing the smooth running of the association’s internal infrastructure.

He also held the position of Secretary General of the European Enterprise Alliance which he built ”from scratch” in 2019 and which represents the interests of enterprises from central and Eastern European countries on the European stage.

“Glenn Cezanne’s ability to connect the various internal professional organs within a large organisation, makes him the ideal person to find a unified voice for an external audience.”

Tom Bijkerk(former) EU Affairs Officer, Unie van Waterschappen

Business Development & Trade

Glenn advises businesses on national and EU regulatory landscapes with a view of creating ideal market conditions, not only for market incumbents but also (potential) new entrants.

Furthermore, he provides market analyses helping businesses evaluate opportunities. He has also worked in analysing market circumstances, most recently in light of Mercosur-EU and Brexit negotiations helping companies make choices on, for example, production location and movement of labour.

He also represents CharIN within the EU-US as well as EU-India Trade & Technology Councils on matters of e-mobility standardisation.

“Glenn Cezanne has the people skills, language abilities and network to be an outstanding lobbyist. Indeed, he has the interpersonal skills and determination to succeed in any field.”

Anne BarkerJournalist, ABC (Australia)

Going International

Glenn is regularly working on connecting global markets, as a key aim of Time&Place Group and its pillars, products and projects is to be internationally and locally present. To increase information flow and provide access for clients, he has created partnerships and opened local offices for Time&Place in locations such as Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Vienna, Berlin, Bucharest, Milan, Bordeaux, and Kolkota.

Publications, Training & Languages

He regularly produces podcasts (onTaP) on current and predicted political, social and economic trends.

Glenn is also often invited to conferences and seminars to discuss how decision-making at EU level can be influenced, whilst also providing specialised training to various stakeholders such as sports executives to this end.

He regularly writes thematic articles for online and paper press, and wrote the chapter titled ”Shaping Lobbying Impact: How Everything from Seating Arrangements to Natural Disasters Makes a Difference” in the book, Lobbying in the European Union (2019, Springer).

Glenn speaks German, Romanian, Italian, French and English, whilst constantly trying to improve his Dutch and Portuguese.


  • glenn@groupontap.com
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